Tatiana about her studies at Westminster University

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Tanya, please tell us about your experience of studying abroad!

Where did you come from and what kind of education did you have before entering an English University?

- I am from Belarus but since the country was not a member of the Bologna process at that time when I was applying (2012), I decided to get a higher education abroad. My choice fell on Poland and I have a bachelor's degree in Business, Economics and Statistics from the University of R. Lazarsky.

Which university and what field did you choose for entering the UK?

- I choose Westminster University, MA in Project Management; specialising in event and conference management.

How was the study organised at the university? How many hours did you have to devote to it?

- Time was divided by 20% lectures and 80% hours of self-education, as my program was research based. I had on average six lectures per week. At home I really worked longer hours than the lectures.

What nationalities studied with you in the group and were the groups large?

- There were about 20 people in the group, only 3 or 4 of them were British (Westminster is considered to be the university with the greatest diversity!). There were people from France, Spain, Greece, the USA, Thailand, and one girl from Russia.

Did you attend any activities at the university other than studying?

- I attended interest groups (but visited only entrepreneurship & business related) and the events, organized by student union.

What advice would you give to entrants?

- Don’t think about the quantity of applications, but the quality. Look at the famous graduates, as they often visit the alma mater and give interesting lectures! And, don’t be afraid, this is important too.

What did you enjoy most and least about the experience?

- I liked that despite the fact that my programme was officially research-based, we had a very practical approach. The classes were conducted solely by people from the industry. Stunning mentors came, and we practiced with the stars of our industry. As a minus, I would like to have had more lectures/workshops than self-study.

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