
I always dreamed of studying in the UK. After receiving my bachelor’s degree in economics, I decided to research how to get accepted into a UK University for my masters. The information on the internet was way too hectic and there was nobody I could ask, so I decided to seek the help of a professional and that’s when I came across GetInUni.

I always dreamed of studying in the UK. After receiving my bachelor’s degree in economics, I decided to research how to get accepted into a UK University for my masters. The information on the internet was way too hectic and there was nobody I could ask, so I decided to seek the help of a professional and that’s when I came across GetInUni.

GetInUni advises on all university programmes. I sent my answers to the questionnaire and agreed to have a Skype call. The consultation lasted 1 hour and during this time, my consultant Irina, guided me through a huge number of options, advised me on university choices, and we even discussed the list of documents required, and created an admissions plan. Irina was very polite and attentive, I was very pleased with consultation, and I’m certain her help led to me get accepted! I recommend GetInUni to everyone who needs help applying abroad!

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